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Close To The Edge - Yes

tracklists of Yes Close To The Edge

1.Close To The Edge
2.I. The Solid Time Of Change
3.II. Total Mass Retain
4.III. I Get Up I Get Down
5.IV. Seasons Of Man
6.And You & I
7.I. Cord Of Life
8.II. Eclipse
9.III. The Preacher The Teacher
10.IV. The Apocalypse
11.Siberian Khatru



Close To The Edge

WPCR18245 / 4943674298211
(P) 1972 (2019) CBS [8482]

CD japanese
CD UltraHighQuality

[compact disc]
ships in: 14-28 days    
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mqa-cd / japan import

tagi: ROCK progressive SYMPHONIC japanese UltraHighQuality WEAJ4298211.2 CWEAJ42982112 034074298211 95475349A278
Close To The Edge - YesLPHQ
14-60 days
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(P) 1972 (2012) Rhino Records 081227971571

Po raz pierwszy wydana w 1972 roku przez Atlantic Records płyta "Close To The Edge" była piątą w dyskografii brytyjskiej progresywnej legendy, grupy Yes. Kompozycje narodziły się w najbardziej twórczym okresie działalności zespołu. Na albumie znalazły się trzy najwspanialsze suity Yes, w tym niezapomniana "Siberian Khatru".

other versions of Yes Close To The Edge

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Close To The Edge - YesCD
24 hours
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(P) 1972 (1988) Atlantic 075678266621

Close To The Edge - YesCD
2 days
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(P) 1972 (2003) Yes 081227379025

YES: Close To The Edge - expanded & remastered
Zremasterowany topowy album z 1972 roku + 4

Close To The Edge - YesCD
14-28 days
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(P) 1972 (2011) Atlantic / 081227976903

Close To The Edge - YesCD
14-28 days
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(P) 1972 (2019) CBS / 4943674298211

Close To The Edge - YesCD
14-60 days
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(P) 1972 (2022) Weaj / 4943674366880

Close To The Edge - YesCD+DVD
14-60 days
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(P) 1972 (2013) Panegyric / 633367900227

Close To The Edge - YesCDSHM
14-90 days
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Close To The Edge - YesCD
14-120 days
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Close To The Edge - YesCD+DVD
14-120 days
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(P) 1972 (2013) Panegyric / 633367900128

Close To The Edge - YesCD
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Close To The Edge - Yes7LP
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(P) 1972 (2025-03-07) Warner Music Group 603497820689

Close To The Edge - YesLP
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Close To The Edge - YesDVD
(P) 2007

Close To The Edge
Close To The Edge _TS80334_ - YesTShirt
14-28 days
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Close To The Edge
Close To The Edge _TS80334_ - YesTShirt
14-28 days
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Close To The Edge
Close To The Edge _TS80334_ - YesTShirt
14-28 days
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Close To The Edge
Close To The Edge _TS80334_ - YesClose To The Edge _TS80334_ - YesClose To The Edge _TS80334_ - YesOther "Close To The Edge"
the fans recommend:
82.95  do przechowalnido porównania
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Close To The Edge - YesCDSHM
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(P) 1972 (2009) Rhino Records 081227985653

Close To The Edge
Close To The Edge - YesCD
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Close To The Edge
Close To The Edge - YesCDSHM
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Close To The Edge
Close To The Edge - YesCD
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Close To The Edge
Close To The Edge - YesCD
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(P) 1972 (2010) Forever / 4943674098279

Close To The Edge
Close To The Edge - YesCD
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Close To The Edge
Close To The Edge - YesCD
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Close To The Edge
Close To The Edge - YesCD
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(P) 1972 (2007) Rhino Records 081227479725

Close To The Edge
Close To The Edge - YesLP
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(P) 1972 4024572578473

Close To The Edge
Close To The Edge - YesLPHQ
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(P) 1972 (2008) Friday Music / 829421900429

Close To The Edge
Close To The Edge - YesSACD
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Close To The Edge
Close To The Edge - YesSACD
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(P) 1972 (2014) Rhino Records / 4943674193202

Close To The Edge
Close To The Edge - YesSACD
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(P) 1972 (2013) Audio Fidelity / 780014214722

Close To The Edge

fan recommends:
53.95  do przechowalnido porównania
47.95  do przechowalnido porównania
235.95  do przechowalnido porównania

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